



ACPHS学习管理系统(LMS)管理继续教育计划的所有阶段-从注册到完成评估-安全可靠, 托管的软件. 

Our LMS provides program participants with the ability to create and manage their own accounts, 完整的活动, 打印出勤证书.

注意: All ACPHS program participants must create a personal LMS account.

以创建个人LMS帐户, 你需要你的NABP #, 你的出生年月, and the name and address of your practice site if you are a preceptor.

然后你就可以注册了, 收到你们的讲义, and complete program evaluations and learning assessments all in one place. As soon as you have completed all activity requirements, your credits will automatically be submitted to CPE Monitor.   

建立您的帐户 ...



Program registrations are now being accepted through the ACPHS学习管理系统 only, and on-site registrations will no longer be accepted.

演讲者讲义和Zoom会议链接将在您注册参加的继续药学教育活动日期之前通过电子邮件发送.  欢迎所有参与者携带笔记本电脑或平板电脑,并使用学院的客座无线网络查看演讲者的讲义. We will no longer have printed copies available at registration.


CPE Monitor是全国性的, 由药学教育认证委员会(ACPE)和全国药学委员会协会(NABP)共同努力,为药剂师提供一个电子系统,以跟踪他们完成的药学继续教育(CPE)学分.


ACPE政策规定,不再需要将纸质和/或电子学分证明直接分发给学习者作为ACPE学分证明. This official record of credit is located on the learner's e-profile in CPE Monitor. Printed copies of statements will no longer be distributed by 奥尔巴尼药学与健康科学学院.


奥尔巴尼药学与健康科学学院 is pleased to launch online, live broadcasting of continuing pharmacy educational activities. Participants may register to view activities online from off campus. Attendees who register for remote viewing will receive a link to attend the program using their computer, 平板电脑, 或电话, 以及进入极速会议的说明. You will be able to listen to the speakers and view the educational materials and respond to polling questions. In order to qualify as a live activity, questions may be posed to the presenters.

